Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tiny House - What does that mean in 2016?

Tiny Houses have become such a big thing in our culture over the last decade that there are now specific labels to define what kind of tiny house you might be talking about. Here is a small lesson - 

 "Micro" can include anything from a pimped out "Tear Drop" trailer to a shed, a treehouse, or van camping. It is really "micro" in size, but still meant to at least sleep and eat in.

"Tiny" includes a couple of distinctions, those on wheels and those on a permanent foundation.
    Tiny House on Wheels:
  • "T.H.O.W. is a tiny house on wheels.  These can be structures built with traditional building materials, or they can be house-trucks, buses, or any other driveable or towable device that has had a conversion and are meant to be lived in.
    tiny house community « The Tiny Life: A standard "Tiny House" would be any "Tiny" structure built on some type of permanent foundation, and typically no larger than 500 sq. ft.
lexa-dome-tiny-home"Small" is a small structure.  
    Shipping Container Home:
  • Larger than a tiny home and smaller than the traditional small single family residence of 1,000 sq.ft.
  • Can include apartments and condos
  • Can be cottages
  • Can be container homes
  • Can be cob design
  • Can be dome structures
  • And yes, it can even be a Yurt.
Hope you feel better prepared to have a discussion about "tiny homes".  Keep looking.  Keep Learning. Live small on purpose.

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