My tiny home company has been named "Sunshine Tiny Homes" and the first home is the "Noon-Sun" model. It is built on a trailer that is 8'-6" wide by 28' long. This is the maximum dimensions allowed to still be able to pull it yourself without a special permit or license. The height, 13'-6" tall, and for the same reasons.
It has a hinged deck, a metal skin, wood framed, a main multi-function loft, and a storage loft. It is initially being designed with a wall bed/table unit on the main floor so that mature adults, or those with physical limitations can still enjoy the "Tiny Home" experience, but not have to climb any ladders to access their beds.
I have been looking at and studying about the tiny house movement for several years now, so you may have seen some of the features in this model. It took a lot of comparing to decide on a standard flush toilet and LP water heater and range. I wanted to go with an electric on-demand water heater system, but that would require 240 volts to run it and that would mean being limited in the places you might want to explore on a cross country trip.
I have had all walks of people in my life add their input to this project, and I want to thank you all - you know who you are.
Linda Quiggle
is a licensed REALTOR and can be reached at 806-355-9601. Prudential, Ada REALTORS is an independently
owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., a
Prudential company, an Equal Housing Opportunity.
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